Friday, September 9, 2011

// M O L L I E & I //

A while ago
One sweet mail in my inbox

{ S M I L E }

soon a feature in Mollie Makes
A sweet and wonderful magazine in the UK
The issue will be out 29th September

The spreads on PDF looks so nice
I can not wait to see it live
Thank you to the sweet people in Mollie Makes

{ B I G L O V E }

PS. take a look at their sweet film here


ReVinyl said...

Oi, så spennende!
Grattis! For et superkomliment da,
OG så vellfortjent!!

Jeg gleder meg til å lese det...
Bestilte abbonement for en stund siden, så nå er det nok ikke lenge til det første bladet kommer i postkassa mi. Håper det er det nr du er med i da...

Fin hælg te dæ! :) Siw

Madelief said...

What a delightful movie & magazine! Wish I lived in the UK.

Happy day,


Santosh said...

The blog was absolutely fantastic! Lots of great information and
inspiration, both of which we all need!b Keep 'em coming... you all do
such a great job at such Concepts... can't tell you how much I, for
one appreciate all you do!

MLM Software

K R I S T I I N A said...

a color boost! we like.

Julie said...

What a sweet blog you happy I found it.

tinajo said...

Sounds great - congrats! :-)

Karen said...

Congratulations! I wish I could get the magazine here in Germany....
What a fun video too, thanks for sharing!

Luisa Morón said...


designchic said...

Congrats to you...thrilled to find and follow your blog!

S & E said...

Gleder meg til å lese - så i siste Mollie at du skulle være med neste gang! Super flott bil <3<3<3 God helg!

Nish said...

I read about your lovely blog in Mollie Makes magazine & fell totally in love <3
I shared it on my own blog as I recently did a post about Scandinavian things I love.
Hope thats ok :D (new fan)

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