Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mathea insisted on having her own white christmastree this year. (I´m so glad that she did´nt pick the black one) I like it...in her room, but me I must have the old traditional tree. She picked out the decoration her self and dressed the tree. I think she did a good job Ü
P.S. The tree is from Plantasjen.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008

This is my favorite...and this recipe is so simple. I bought ready made "kransekake" mass from Odense. I cut them in smal cricels and baked them. Then I made the chocolatecream and put the cockies in the freezer. The next day i diped them in chocolate and now they are ready to eat. You can find the recipe here (in norwegian).
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Ok, so Prix is only one year old and still young at heart, and he is a cat.
A year ago Mathea and I found him outside our local food store Prix, there for the name Prix. He was only eight weeks old and so tiny. We took him to the vet and he stayed there for two weeks incase someone missed him. But no one did. So he became our and Matheas cat. It was love at first sight. He was the funniest cat ever, he was such a clown and he made Mathea laugh all the time.
We found also out that someone else was feeding him, a couple of old ladies just around the corner had fallen in love with him. He would come every day, at the same time for his treat. They gave him milk and all kinds of food that he seemed to like, the only bad thing was that he turned sick. Poor cat.
I must admit that my husband and I thought that he was really sick and that he had died. Mathea missed him so much and she had this story about Prix moving to Germany. I think she found it comforting, instead of thinking that he was dead.
A week ago Mathea and I sat and looked at old photos, and pictures of Prix as a baby turned up. She cried her brave tears and cuddled up in my lap. We talked about Prix and all the good times we had with him.
The day after, on Friday evening, our neighbor turned up with the newspaper under his arm. He showed a picture to Mathea and said: “ Do you know him?”
And Mathea screamed: “It’s Prix! Prix is in the paper!”
So he was.
Someone had noticed that a group of kids had been mean to him, kicked and thrown things after him. The lady thought now one owned him and turned him in to “ Save the Animals”, a place for banded cats. So now he needed a new home.
We had been missed him for five weeks. When we got him back he was healthy, got an ID-chip and was the good old (young) cat that we remember. We are so glad and Mathea is so happy that Prix found his way home from Germany!
I had to share this story with you because it made our Christmas even Christmassier!