Saturday, August 6, 2011

// B L U E //

...not at all
Only my outfit

Life is good
Really sweet
Smiling at me
& me
I´m smiling back

when I put on my makeup
loud from my speakers

So recomendable

{ S U M M E R L O V E }


sunny said...

I didn't think I liked blue nail polish until I saw your exquisite photo. The blues in the first photo are so very pretty.

Tomorrow at the shops I will get some blue nail polish - and think of you!

Unknown said...

Mmmm vakre bilder!

etherealflowers said...

<3 blue!

Luisa Brimble said...

i'm always very much in love with your design Fryd! everything feels so refreshing and really love the space in your blog.

Frost home said...

Skjønn inspirasjon, for noen vakre bilder! Ha en strålende kveld.

mette said...

l o v e the pics! nice inspiration :) god sommer videre :)

Belichek said...

blue - one of my favorite colors))
your post as usual magic and inspiring))

Deniz said...

love the blue toes!

privatdetektiv said...

That blue nail polish is awesome, I found it in your exquisite photograph. I also bought same this nail polish from market.

Portofritt said...

Jeg er glad for at livet smiler til deg, søte du. :) Det er deilig når livet gjør det. Takk for savne-hilsen på bloggen min, forresten. Mulig det var det som gjorde susen og brakte meg tilbake på bloggebanen. Måtte visst bare ha en pause - som så mange andre. :)

Mari Ø said...

Du er så flink :) Elsker bildene du tar!

Bleu Chine said...

It is surprising to see how bloggers like so much to photograph their (nice) feet..
This blue is my preffered one ! Stéphanie

Anniken Zahl said...

Ååå, deilig stemning her!! La sommeren vare leeeenge!!

re:signert said...

Så deilige innlegg. Runde sten, knalla smykker og stemning. Deilig. deilig. LEnge siden jeg var innom. Ikke vet jeg helt hvorfor. Håper du og dine har hatt en finfin sommer!! Sommer og sommer. Det har vel ikke vær noe sol-revolusjon akkurat! :-) KAnksje neste år!! Signe Schineller

first responder bags said...

Always I am searching a great design in your blog, well everything feels so refreshing and really attractive those space in your blog.

codice sconto said...

Real things are as always my favorite. I didn't think I liked blue nail polish until I saw your exquisite photo. The blues in the first photo are so very pretty