I deleted a comment and someone got offended
It was a critic view on M´s new polkadot-dress-up-shoes
It´s not that the comment was so bad
It´s more my right to decide
My girl knows how to read
She knows how to use a computer
And yes
She reads my blog (not english)
She is a part of it
She is a part of me
Since this blog is made by me
In my spare time
With my effort
Glimpse from my everyday life
I think I have the right to decide the blogs content
If I shall do this
It has to be me
Me for real
What I believe in
I´m sorry that someone got defended
I say this with
No hard feelings
And with a smile
Just as you know
To protect the ones I love
My right
{ M O M M Y L O V E }
This is done so very graciously. And of course you've got the right to decide.
I love how you said that this blog is made by you in your spare time! This is your place, your expression and you have every right to decide as you wish. I think this gets forgotten sometimes and I appreciate that you brought it up.
Your blog is gorgeous and inspiring.
it's your right to decide.
i myself don't get many comments, but still, sometimes think about what i would do if i got critical comments (on my personal blog), and i'm quite sure i would not get those published.
Så bra sagt Jeanette! Håller med dig att det är din rätt att välja vad som ska visas eller inte visas på din blogg. Ha en fin helg!
Kunne virkelig ikke vært mer enig med deg:) Har vært i samme situasjon, og har presis samme standpunkt som deg! Keep up the good work og GOD helg!
Klem fra Ingrid
Er 100 % einig med deg! DU bestemmer over din nettstad! Folk har lov å vere ueinig med deg, men du treng ikkje å godkjenne at folk kritiserer det du står for - "heime" hjå deg!!
Du har ein nydeleg blogg som inspirerer så mange! Stå på!
Selvfølgelig er det du som skal bestemme :)
Mommy love - ingenting som slår det :)
Whether your daughter read it or not I think it is completely inappropriate to leave negativity out there. My Mom always taught me that if I didn't have anything nice to say then I shouldn't say anything at all. But you are much more gracious than I would have been! Go mommy love!
sweet cookies!
i'm always in love with letters, wether they are stamps, baking forms or what so ever...
you can use your imagination and be creative with letters
veldig enig!
The people who love your blog all believe it's your right to decide. Thank you for sharing these parts of your life with us.
Gracefully and elegantly said. Your blog is beautiful.
Beautifully said - and of course you didn't mean to cause offence. But is it your blog and your place.Perhaps the person who wrote the comment should have thought first about how hurtful it may have been to a sensitive 6 year old. My 6 year old would just love those shoes too! I love your blog. So pleased to have found it.
Sådan skriver en omsorgsfuld og beskyttende mor og sådan skal det være....godt gået. :))
Rigtig dejlig søndag.
i do this too, delete comments that i just don't like the demeanor of. i just don't need to hear about people's dislikes in a space that is mine, a space i am not trying to make anyone like but me. good on you.
I was raised to believe that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. People shouldn't say negative things. It is unnecessary. I think your girls shoes are GORGEOUS! I am all for kids dressing up! Love your poetic blog! Wendy xx
Du har full rett til det:-) Og trenger ikke en gang forklare. Men du gjorde det så godt!
it is your blog, you have a right to do whatever you please. i think that you had your say in a very respectful way....and love the picture. when i became a mother i became fierce in my protection of my boys. i totally understand. thanks for your inspiring blog and for sharing so much of your life with us. x
Jeg er helt enig med deg- og synes du har forklart og løst det på en forbilledlig måte!:) Klem Heidi
defended = offended?
Anyhow, your blog, your descision what it is supposed to contain. No doubt.
Love it! The blog! The Pictures! The text! And the fact that you delete. Love it!
I am interested in using this photo on my blog: http://thedesigndish.wordpress.com/ I would fully intend to give you a good credit, please let me know.
Great blog!
the Design Dish
I understand this as having personal limits. I set mine, and I appreciate when others stick to theirs, too. To do this as graciously as you did is a plus. Thank you.
I am in LOVE with your "true love" construction! - LOVE!
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