I´m sorry it´s not better
My English
I hope it makes sense to you
Thank you for waiting!
{ L O V E }

Remember I told you there would be a giveaway?
Sweet Dundelina is giving away a shark dress.
I love their new line and one of you can be a lucky winner of this fantastic dress.
If you make a link or post about 1. by Fryd and let me know you are in.
That is also, of course, for those of you who already have.
Dundelina is a clothing label for girls 3-10 years (yeah... boys soon coming), based the stories of Dundelina. It is designed in Norway, and is the result of the cooperation between a writer (Roald Kaldestad) and a designer (Dundelina), who is interested in clothes as a tool for communication and play.
By providing alternative meanings to the clothes, Dundelina collections are meant to give children (and grown ups) the opportunity to explore their creativity. Their approach to children clothes is definately beyond the sweet rosa flower patterns. One must to look twice at their dresess to see if there is something more lurking around. Some of their items are more "design pieces" rather than simple clothes.
Wanna know more about the shark dress? Check their blog, there is a cool entry on how it came to life!
Hos meg ligger det link:) Nå har jeg jo ingen liten jente selv, men jeg kjenner da en hel del småjenter/mammaer som kunne blitt glad for en Dundelina kreasjon! Krysser fingre. Fiiiin kveld til deg:)
Yay!!! I just went and downloaded it. Thanks so much.
what beautiful clothes! love! already posted about fryd + design seen here:
Her http://hei-astrid.blogspot.com/2010/05/1-by-fryd.html er du på bloggen min :-) Og jeg sier som Ingrid - Fjeldborg; Nå har jeg jo ingen liten jente selv, men jeg kjenner da en hel del småjenter/mammaer som kunne blitt glad for en Dundelina kreasjon!
Absolutely stunning!
Har endelig fått surret meg til å lese magasinet ditt nå, VAKKERT! :) Her har du gjort en god jobb! Stå på, gleder meg til nr. 2 :)
Å så utrolig masse fint. Jeg må bare prøve vinnerlykken hos deg, og har linket her: http://konkurranseblogg.blogspot.com/2010/05/giveaway-hos-fryd.html
Klem fra Hidle
Thankyou for a lovely magazine. I really enjoyed it. Love the bugs!
Jeg har linket fra min blog - ville være skønt at vinde sådan en fin kjole.
... with a little tear in my eye ... with emotion and happiness ... thank´s for sharing you wonderful thoughts and life with us
Så utrolig bra Fryd var!!!
Gleder meg til å følge med videre:)
E-magasinet ditt er utrolig vakkert, jeg har kikket i det mange ganger:-) Laget et lite innlegg om det på bloggen min.
Jeg gleder meg til neste!!
Ønsker deg en herlig, inspirerende søndag. Hilsen fra Kastanjedamen
Ah I'm looking forward to reading the English version. It's truly beautiful! I blogged about it here! http://lanaloustyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/1-by-fryd.html
Likte magasinet ditt kjempegodt! Kommer til å klikke meg inn flere ganger og se. :) Har postet link på facebook, da jeg ikke har blogg.
Hilsen Aina Meling
Nydelig magasin! Linket til bloggen din fra min: enlyside.blogspot.com
Jeg har også en give-away gående.
Hilsen lott@
I posted on my Facebook page! I would love in on this contest!
Found you via http://www.everythingfab.com, and I am glad that I did. I have added you to my blog roll. Stop by sometime.
Først må jeg få gratulert deg med magasinet. Det er virkelig vakkert og inspirerende!! Jeg linker med glede på min blogg! Ønsker deg en finfin dag! Klem
Et utrolig flott magasin, du har gjort en kjempejobb med det! Og så flott giveaway:-) Jeg har linket i bloggen min: http://tonjeshverdagsglimt.blogspot.com/2010/05/en-ren-fryd.html
Oh good! I'm off to check it out!
I've been waiting and waiting for the english version to come out. Luckily I remembered to check here and found the english version, hooray! I won't be able to write about your fabulous magazine in time for the giveaway, but I will let you know when I do so. Have a great day.
Your magazine is so great, I had to post it too! Lovely!
Kjempefint magasin!
Jeg følger deg gjerne :)
Har linket deg på bloggen min
Ha en fin kveld!
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