Friday, June 1, 2012

// F I N A L L Y - the secret is out //

For three weeks now I wanted to tell the world that

I almost drove off the road when Helle Tjaberg,
the editor of Elle Decoration, told me on the phone
while I was driving my little white Fiat

Oh my
I´m so fortunate & happy

// T H E S T O R Y //
This spring
ELLE Decoration in Norway
together with Fargerike
arranged the competition


the jury picked out twelve finalists 
and in the end the jury together with the voices from the public jury 
chose a winner

I´m so honerd
I got tears in my eyes

So THANK you
and THANK you to the judges
designer Jonathan Adler :: editor Helle Tjaberg :: creative director Dagny Thurmann - Hoelseth ::
stylist Christine Hærra :: interior expert John Erik Bakost

You all made my heart smile & my soul happy

xox Jeanette


Ingrid - Fjeldborg said...

Hihi, jeg hadde en liten følelse av at du hadde vunnet... ;) Fantastisk! Gratulerer i bøtter og spann, og stoooor klem til deg fra meg!

Selina Lake said...

Congratulations!! so delighted for you XXXX I love your Style & designs XXX whoooo hoooop!!!

Chi @ 106 said...

Oh my! You must be beside yourself with excitement - it is indeed a wonderful honour. Congratulations! :)

Emelie said...

Gratulerar! Jag är absolut inte förvånad att dom valde dig ;) Trevlig helg!

anyaadores said...

Congratulations Jeanette - you deserve everything good coming your way - YAY and have a great weekend celebrating :)

Ingeborg said...

Gratulerer, og så fortjent:) Jeg skrev i et innlegg for litt tilbake, at din blogg er en stor inspirasjon for meg. Og det er jo ikke uten grunn, du er så utrolig flink:)

Jennifer said...

Congratulations!! your deserve it :D

Anonymous said...

Congras Dear!!!

Unknown said...

Så gøy! Gratulerer!!!! :)

Snullemor said...


victoria (huset i byen) said...

Gratulerer så masse, velfortjent... fantastisk..
klem victoria

Bianca (ivylovesjack) said...

congratulations jeanette! you are very deserving!!

My home is my Castle said...

Gratulerer såå mye :))
dette fortjente du..


MOKKASIN said...

Wooow!!! Grattis, du är värd det såå mycket!

Janne said...

Gratulerer så mye!!!!! Flink ass!

Cherry Blossom Blog said...

g r a t u l e r e r !

så artikkelen i går,
sååå glad på dine veiene!


tina said...

Wow - what an honour, what an achievement. Be proud! Be happy and foremost take in all the amazing stuff coming your way. Why? Because when we live an authentic life, when we are who we're meant to be and when we allow ourselves to shine, then great stuff happens.

Congratulations! x

Judith said...

Félicitations, Jeanette! How exciting and so well deserved!

BO said...

GRATULERA! Eg stemte på deg! Klem

☆Therese said...

Gratulerer så mye, fult fortjent :)

Irene b said...

you are so talented ... I was sure !!!

Kaspara said...

Hei Jeantte
Sååå morsomt! Gratulerer så masse til en verdig vinner!
Klem fra Kaspara

Unknown said...

Så utrolig moro! Flinke flinke deg :))

Unknown said...

Huge congratulations Jeanette!!! I can't think of anyone more deserving, you are an inspiration... :) xx

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you, you deserve it! your work always is so beautiful and lovely. Have a wonderful day and weekend! xx

Astrid said...

Så fantastisk, Jeanette! Vel fortjent! Gratulerer!!

Maya: said...

Gratulerer så mye! Vel fortjent:)


Yaniss* Functional Home said...

Wow, congratulations. it`s a big new!!
you deserve it!

missspider(charlotte) said...


Anne Grete said...

Gratulerer så mye!! B
Velfortjent :)

HeppieHermpie said...

So much congratulations to you!! I have not vote to anyone but that you have won.. it is you begrudge!! You have always such a nice and beautiful photo's an ideas!! My compliments!!
With love, Herma

Stines Hjem - Livet på landet said...

Gratulerer så mye!!! Skulle bare mangle, det bildet var heeeelt utrolig!

anne said...

Bravo Jeanette !
You deserve it.
Your style and pictures are very inspiring to me...

kat | dot dot dash said...

Soooooooo well deserved!!!
Big congratulations!!
x kat

moa said...

så gøy & velfortjent!
hipp hurra for flinke deg!
STOR gratulasjonsklem
fra meg

Juliette said...

congrats congrats congrats!!! =) Well deserved!

Yvestown said...

Very well deserved!! Congrats!

Hanne said...

Gratulerer så mye!!! Vel fortjent.

Rose and Lula said...

Wow Jeanette, that is some secret to keep under your hat! Congratulations!! Sooo soo exciting!! x

Elizabeth said...

It's the magic, your magic! x

Unknown said...

Jeanette this is wonderful!!
I knew you could do it
And I hoped they would choose you
I'm so happy for you to win!
Love kat xxx

Anonymous said...

and magazine talent!! :)

Renee said...

Congratulations! You are truly talented and deserve to be noticed!

Cyn | decyng said...

Congratulations!!! Greetings from Argentina!

ReVinyl said...

Så morsomt og velfortjent!

Håper du har danset på bordet ikveld
og har hatt noe sprudlende i glasset :) Eller du gjorde det kanskje for tre uker side...hehe.

Ta det til deg og nyyyyt!
Du inspirerer, tar vakre bilder, styler fantastisk og er hærlig ærlig med ordne dine...

Fin hælg!
Klæm Siw

Kathrine 'Glimt' said...

flinke du :-)

leah of sang the bird said...

congratulations. your style and aesthetic is beautiful. you are totally deserving of this honour. i'm excited to learn from you in byw... x

Anonymous said...

i've just had the chance to go through your gorgeous emags and i'm absolutely smitten with your work.

congratulations on your elle decoration win -- totally well-deserved! woohoo!

michele said...

congrats! how utterly lovely!

smiles to you.


Magpie Mimi said...

Congratulations! You are such a deserving winner! Well done you!

Anu said...

Congratulations! You are so worth it! :)

Anonymous said...

congratulations Jeanette! A truly deserved honour. ;-)

Sandra | Accessorize your Home said...

Congratulations! It's well deserved... Enjoy the moment and all the compiments... :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette, I am one of the students from BYW. I am so thrilled for you and your work is very inspiring to me. Congratulations!

C@RL@ said...

Hi, absolutely wonderfull.Congratulations from Holland.XX

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, what an amazing time for you! Loved your first lesson on BYW2:) MelChesneau

Linda Leyble said...

Congratulations Jeanette - I am now seeing your beautiful work because I am in your Blogging Your Way class. I look forward to seeing more of your designs.

Love the gorgeous images on your blog!

Linda Leyble

Åshild - prydeligbloggen said...


Igor Josifovic said...

Congrats, Jeanette. Well deserved!!

Adventures with Dementia said...

Congratulations! How wonderful. x

Chantal {luxxury livving} said...

A big congratulations! That's amazing!

s h i n e d e s i g n said...

Det er jo så fortjent, gratulerer så mye :-)

Radostina // said...

Congratulations Jeanette!!! :)
You are so talented and your work is so beautiful and stylish. ;)))
Happy happy Sunday.

wood & wool stool said...

Congratulations Jeanette! so cool and really, Elle knows all about it... Xx

martinebo said...

Très contente pour toi!!

Dotty-love said...

Hurra! Så fortjent!!! Love fra oss:)

caroline @trend-daily said...

You ARE a superstar x :-) x

Deepa said...

You deserve it. I love it when good things happen to good people. Congratulations Jeanette!

heidi said...

Congratulations Jeanette!!

an-magritt said...

Absolutt og så overmåte fortjent!!

Lulla said...

Gratulere så mye! Det fortjener du med all inspirasjon og glede du formidler med bildene dine. Store gratulasjons klemmer fra hjembyen

mellaogmalla said...

Gratulerer! Vel fortjent - et flott bilde og det er så mye inspirasjon å finne hos deg!

Unknown said...

congratulation on this award dear
Jeanette! you deserve it!
have a nice day!

designhund said...

Gratulerer så mye!!
Det er jo SÅ fortjent;
- ikke bare er du heldig med dette bildet,
det er vakkert ALT du gjør!
klem til deg fra meg

Funkytime | Design Juice-Not from Concentrate! said...

you so deserve it! great job and congratulations!:-))))

Anonymous said...


Fru Fly * Heidi said...

Gratulerer så mye, Jeanette! Alt du tar i blir til gull - dette er SÅ velfortjent! God klem fra Heidi

Hege Morris said...

Gratulerer så mye! Velfortjent!
klem Hege

Claire Garland said...

Many congratulations - and so deserved your work is such an inspiration to me Jeanette...

Kathrine 'Glimt' said...

og jeg måtte ut å kjøpe det bladet bare pga deg ;) (selv om det er konkurrent til der jeg jobber... hysj hysj...)
Gratulerer så mye ! :)

Heidrun said...

Gratulation - ich freue mich für Dich und wünsche weiterhin viel Freude an Deiner, nette Kunden und Erfolg.

Sonnige Grüße

Lisette said...

Leste nettopp artikkelen om deg, og jeg vil GRATULERE deg for tittelen. Fantastiska farger og komposisjon i bildene. Lekker blogg dette, enig i hva du sa om hva er god blogg er. Følte meg litt truffet når det kan fort bli for mye hverdags kjas, hehe. Men bloggen min er hovedsakelig et fristed der interiør er første pri....Ses hos meg?

Lana {lanalou style} said...

Oh that's fantastic Jeanette, you absolutely deserve it, well done!

Liliana said...

Congratulations!! You must be so excited :) You deserved it, your designs and style are really great :)

xx Liliana

Nine said...

Gratulerer, så morsomt. Sjelden jeg legger igjen kommentarer, men du har fortjent det. Siden din er så delikat og nydelig. Gratulerer igjen. Hilsen Ingelin

Gudy Herder said...

Hi Jeanette, you are not just a great blogger, sweet teacher but a very professional stylist too. And that was just the beginning of your "awards", you will see!
xx Gudy

Daniella Witte said...

Stort Grattis!
Jag har faktiskt inte tidigare följt dig, eller ens vetat om dig om jag ska vara ärlig. Lite konstigt kanske men nu är jag här och kommer helt klart hälsa på igen, för vilken härlig blogg du har!

Ha en fin dag!

Petitchoux said...

Gratulerer så mye med seieren. jeg er så glad på dine vegne for at du får jobbe med det du elsker. og du gjør en kjempejobb!! Nydelig magasin. ønsker deg en flott torsdag videre:)

gillyflower said...

Congratulations Jeanette, it must feel wonderful!

twiggs said...

congratulations my friend! i've been a bit away from my reader and now that i'm catching up i cannot believe how much i missed in your beautiful life! you have been so blessed lately and so many good things have been happening! you deserve them all! i hope you have a beautiful and restful weekend! twiggs

Anna-Malin said...

ett stort välförtjänt grattis!!

The House That Lars Built said...

of course! so stoked for you.

Unknown said...

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