Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Yesterday, one sweet email in my inbox from Helle Tjaberg, the editor of Elle Decoration. They are having a competition together with Fargerike, seeking for the best interior talent. She asked if I wanted to join and spread the word. And of course I will! After all it´s one of my favorite interior magazines.
You need to live in Norway, be over 16 and the theme is green, more information to find her.
Me, I´ve used green in my interior for a long time, though pale green, not the bright one.
It´s time to do some action. Come on and join me!

Ps. I know this photo is more blue than green, but I just like the compose of it.

{ B R I G H T S M I L E }


Åshild - prydeligbloggen said...

n y d e l i g !

dagens interiør said...

så innmari spennende da. what are you going to make or do?

(eddas) said...

Flotte ting i tallerkenhyllen:)
Ja,er bare å hive seg med på den konkuransen...
ha en fin kveld..

Peter R. Hewitt said...

Hils til Helle om du snakker med henne igjen, Jeanette. Gikk på Westerdals sammen med henne.

Unknown said...

Oh good luck Jeanette, I hope you do well in the competition. Elle decoration is a beautiful magazine
Kat x

design elements said...


Svenja said...

good luck!! :)

Anonymous said...

I really like your blog:) Great pics and so much inspiration...I wish you a lovely weekend.
LOVE Maria at

janavalachovicova said...

extremely nice display!

K R I S T I I N A said...

lycka till!!

Lindsey L said...

I love that they are focusing on interior design talent in Norway.