Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Very happy to be a part of this
{ L O V E }


McMGrad89 said...

Yay for you.

Birgitte said...

NYDELIG - kjempestilig rett og slett. Du er absolutt min favorittblogger! Så kreativ du er:)

Klem Birgitte

K R I S T I I N A said...

soooo talented!!!
I am amazed by the way you make the pictures so pure, sensitive and with such feeling. Great to see your work! More more more!!!!

Eldrid said...

heilt nydelige bilder!!
Du e bare super flink altså! alt e så vakkert!!

Unknown said...

Bildene dine er bare helt nyyyydelige! Gleder meg til å følge deg framover! :)
Ha en finfin kveld!
Klem Carina

Almara Shop said...

Hello, I found your blog via a blog by a Czech blogger .-) (I am from the Czech Republic) and I am totally amazed by your pictures... awesome... As Kristina says, your pics are soo clean, pure, bright... so beautiful!

Sarah said...

I adore that stump dish and all the little jar vases, such a charming way to bring the outdoors indoors!

Mikkili.com said...

Wow, beautiful pictures. Love the style. Thank you for sharing.

Tangletree Interiors said...

Wow. The photograph of the kitchen is wonderful. What a beautiful collection of images.

Euphoria said...

I love that white room! IT So femenine and romantic!