- M Y W O R K -

Monday, May 31, 2010


A summerdress for Alma
New and old crochet
Vintage fabric

Me drinking Chai Tea
G watching football

I´ll show you how to make the dress
In 2. by Fryd

In my head it looks sweet

{ S M I L E }

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Lighter every day

Toast with

Felling of summer

{ L O V E }

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I deleted a comment and someone got offended
It was a critic view on M´s new polkadot-dress-up-shoes

It´s not that the comment was so bad
It´s more my right to decide

My girl knows how to read
She knows how to use a computer
And yes
She reads my blog (not english)
She is a part of it
She is a part of me

Since this blog is made by me
In my spare time
With my effort
Glimpse from my everyday life

I think I have the right to decide the blogs content

If I shall do this
It has to be me
Me for real
What I believe in

I´m sorry that someone got defended

I say this with
No hard feelings
And with a smile
Just as you know

To protect the ones I love
My right

{ M O M M Y L O V E }


I´m thinking;
one more pice of chocolate
Please Mamma
Look how cute I can be

{ Sweet as sugar }

Thank you!

Alma loves chocolate
Me, I love Alma

{ S M I L E }

Friday, May 28, 2010


Kulør has a small interview with me
Remember I told you about my color
In picture 9 you can see the color on my wall
Wish you all a happy weekend

{ L O V E }

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


High heels
My six year old has been longing for
High heels

Balancing her best way
Almost stumbling

But it does not matter
You should see her face
Proud & joy!

She makes me smile
My little woman

{ LOVE }

Monday, May 24, 2010


First; thank you all for spreading the word
I can´t thank you all enough

And your words & comments
It means so much to me

1. by Fryd has already had 25 000 wonderful readers

Next issue, 2. by Fryd, will come in August

the winner of Dundelina´s wonderful shark dress

{ Die Frau im Haus }




What you do, I want too
Mathea is Alma´s big hero
So when big-sister creates
Little-sister do too
Wonderful drawings to mormor & morfar from Mathea
Chalk drawings on every wall from Alma

{ L O V E & S M I L E }

And little big Mathea just learned to ride her bike
Very proud
Me too

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I´m in
With my 123 print
I´m humble and a bit shaky
Together with all this wonderful artists and designers
So much nice work!

 { W O W }

Design for Haiti er et arrangement hvor verk av ledende norske kunstnere og designere skal auksjoneres bort til inntekt for Redd Barnas arbeid på Haiti. Publikum får dermed en unik sjanse til å kjøpe arbeider i alle priskategorier – og samtidig støtte en god sak

30. mai 2010 fra kl 12, auksjon fra kl 17.
DogA Norsk Design- og Arkitektursenter
Hausmannsgate 16

Miksmaster arrangerer Design for Haiti i samarbeid med DogA, Grafill og Redd Barna
Du kan se arbeidene her.

Design for Haiti is an event where works by leading Norwegian artists and designers will be auctioned off to raise funds for Redd Barnas work in Haiti. The audience is therefore a unique opportunity to purchase works in all price categories - while supporting a good cause

30. May 2010 

DogA Norwegian Design & Architecture
Hausmannsgate 16 

Miksmaster arranges Design for Haiti in cooperation with DogA, Grafill and Redd Barna.

You can see the work here.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Yesterday was Norway´s national day
Dressed up & proud
Hipp hipp hurra & flags
Matheas first time in the parade
Ice creams, Mathea had five!
We had a wonderful day
3 girls + 1 guy

{ L O V E }


This wonderful book lay on my doorstep the other day
This book is a must-have
The photos
The recipes
The words
Well done May and thank you!



I´m in Maison Mat & Vin
Three bloggers were asked to decorate a table
I´m in good company, Lykkeliten + Mina
The magazine is filled with wonderful recipes and stunning photos


Saturday, May 15, 2010


Remember I told you there would be a giveaway?
Sweet Dundelina is giving away a shark dress.
I love their new line and one of you can be a lucky winner of this fantastic dress.
If you make a link or post about 1. by Fryd and let me know you are in.
That is also, of course, for those of you who already have.

Wanna know more about the shark dress? Check their blog, there is a cool entry on how it came to life!

I forgot to give you a deadline, May 21.  I will pick a winner.


Friday, May 14, 2010


I´m sorry it´s not better
My English
I hope it makes sense to you
Thank you for waiting!

{ L O V E }

Remember I told you there would be a giveaway?
Sweet Dundelina is giving away a shark dress.
I love their new line and one of you can be a lucky winner of this fantastic dress.
If you make a link or post about 1. by Fryd and let me know you are in.
That is also, of course, for those of you who already have.

Dundelina is a clothing label for girls 3-10 years (yeah... boys soon coming), based the stories of Dundelina. It is designed in Norway, and is the result of the cooperation between a writer (Roald Kaldestad) and a designer (Dundelina), who is interested in clothes as a tool for communication and play.

By providing alternative meanings to the clothes, Dundelina collections are meant to give children (and grown ups) the opportunity to explore their creativity. Their approach to children clothes is definately beyond the sweet rosa flower patterns. One must to look twice at their dresess to see if there is something more lurking around. Some of their items are more "design pieces" rather than simple clothes.

Wanna know more about the shark dress? Check their blog, there is a cool entry on how it came to life!


Thursday, May 13, 2010


Tomorrow the English version of 1. by Fryd will be released
Together with a sweet & cool giveaway from Dundelina

My mag is one week today
Over 10 000 has read it already
I really can´t believe it!!

I feel so lucky
I´m humble

And all your sweet comments
I wish I had the time to answer you all back
It´s out there
For sure


Sunday, May 9, 2010

{ T H A N K Y O U }

If making a magazine feels like this, I think I want to make a hundred!

You put a smile on my face
A proud tear in my eye
You made my day
My week

Thank you for your words
Thank you for your generous words
I will keep them in my heart
Save them for a rainy day

2. by fryd is already on my mind
And the english version ,1. by fryd, will arrive as soon as my poor Mac is healthy

Thank you again!!

{   S M I L E S & L O V E J E A N E T T E   }

Thursday, May 6, 2010

1 BY FRYD { RE L E A S E }

The magazine is done
I´m so exited
I hope you like it
You can read and download it at ISSUU

I´m thinking of having a giveaway
If you make a link or a post about the magazine
Let me know

Not sure what to give you yet
But I promise it will be something nice

The magazine will soon come in english too

{ B I G S M I L E }

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Simply magic
Warm air
Stunning nature
Wonderful old architecture
Nice colleagues
Good wine & food
I feel lucky!

{ S M I L E }