- M Y W O R K -

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Foto: Elisabeth Sperre Alnes

The girls are in the newspaper today.
Thank you Ane and Elisabeth.
We L O V E the photos and text.
Dagbladet Søndag.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


to December and my calender.
One gift to you each day.
But who says it only can be one! :)
I was thinking; if any of you crafty-people feels like joining in, your welcome.
You make someone happy and get publicity at the same time.
Send me a mail if you want to join.

It´s a bit quiet her.
I´m attending on a Christmas-market this weekend,
making an web-shop
and making gifts for you.

December will be so good!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This sweet little man and his mom came to shoot some photos the other day.
I think Alma fell in love, cause she giggles each time she sees the pictures on my screen.
He sat still for five seconds.
I´m laughing.
We even tried the TV.
Such a sweet and happy little fellow.
Thank you for the fun moment.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Just had to show you this. I love the colors and the size and the fact that they are made with L O V E from Christina!
This is on my wishing-list for Christmas!

Visit Christinas shop here.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


This has really been my week. I can´t stop smiling.
Yesterday I got a mail from Holly at Decor8, she wanted to make a post about FRYD + DESIGN.
Me, little me on Decor8!!

So many nice words this week I think I´m flying.
Thank you all!

I can´t wait to start my give-away calender to all of you.
Have a wonderful weekend!

xx Jeanette

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I´m honored and proud. Two things.


The other day the editor from boligliv.dk (my favorite magazine) asked if she could use some of my photos.
She was making a list of Norwegian blogs.
I´m in good company with Kardemomme, Fru Fly, Borghildpia, Minas Paradis and Marie in Wonderland.
Thank you!!


On monday I had a visit from Dagbladet Søndag.
They are making story about homemade Christmas. Such a nice visit.
I can´t wait to read and to see the pictures.
Alma was all over the place and I don´t think I was able to speak one whole sentence before;
...nooo Alma, oops Alma...oh...poor you little sweetheart.
I wonder if we can have a Christmas-tree this year?
I´m laughing.

xx Jeanette

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I´m thinking about printing some of my photos.
A set for Christmas.
What do you think?

And one more thing. Go Martha & Ari!
I´m not saying I agree with everything they say and do.
(Then again, I don´t know anyone I agree everything with)
I love that they dare.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I have two simple rules that I try to live by;
do what you love and be nice to the people you meet.

So I try, real hard, to do what I love.
To do the things that makes me happy, that inspires me and that gives me energy.

My blog is one of those things.

So I thought I give something back, to be nice.
And thats where my idea for December comes in.
I will make my blog a calender for Christmas.
Each day a new gift for you.
One day something to download, another day something handmade and more.
I hope you will join in.

xx Jeanette


...with my blog. Dear Kaspara let me know that after the pictures, my blog was all white.
The weird thing is that it does not show on my computer.
I think I fixed it now and that the commentfelt is back on track.

Thank you all for your nice words on my last post!
You make me smile :)
Yesterday and today is filled with more photos of sweet kids.
I´ll show you later.

Oh...and I have this great idea for December that I will share with you later today.
I can´t wait to tell you!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Pictures from a summer-shoot.
Two sweet sisters.
So adorable and funny.
I had a great time.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


A lot of you already know her and about her wonderful work, but it can´t be shown to often.
I´m in LOVE with her photos.

The light.
The way she captures it.
The moods.
Not perfect.
It hits you in the heart.
Thats why it´s perfect.

Abby from Abby try again.
She has a shop to.

Monday, November 2, 2009


28. - 29. November I will be here, selling my homemade stuff together with lot of other wonderful creative people.
I´m really looking forward to it and I´m so exited to meet some of my fellow bloggers.
I´ll show you later some of the items I will bring (not done yet...iiik)
Hope to see you there!
Jeanette xx